SpoPlus - अपडेट 2.6.0!
मैं हर सप्ताह कई घंटे बग ठीक करने, नई विशेषताएँ जोड़ने और उपयोगकर्ता फीडबैक पर विचार करने में बिताता हूँ। दान द्वारा सहायता करें SpoPlus .
30-दिन की मनी-बैक गारंटी। और आप जारी रख सकते हैं SpoPlusयदि आप वित्तीय रूप से योगदान नहीं कर सकते, तो मैं आभारी रहूँगा यदि आप साझा कर सकें SpoPlus मित्रों के साथ या समीक्षा छोड़ें Chrome, Firefox, या MS Edge स्टोर्स.
अपडेट इतिहास

## Version 2.5.2 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Added New Themes: Matrix Purple, Matrix Green
- - Updated themes: Kimbie Dark, Dimmed Red, Light Green
- - Updated look (vintage & modern)
- - Improved Classic heart button functionality
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Fixed heart button: Improved visibility for pending requests and resolved related issues.
- - Light themes: Enhanced shadows and fixed several bugs.
- - Updated Focus mode (Search bar, Navigation bar).
- - Fixed an issue where the rate-me popup appeared more than twice.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 2.2.0 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Fixed multiple issues in Focus Mode, including compact view and transcript display errors.
- - Resolved problems with heart icons feature not functioning correctly.
- - Fixed progress bar issues in "Your Episodes" for light themes.
- - Fixed fullscreen mode issues across light themes.
- - Corrected overflow issues with some tippyjs tooltips.
- - Fixed layout issues on the Premium page when using light themes.
- - Updated placeholders to reduce GPU usage.
- - Resolved resizing problems when the "Aside" section is set to static.
- - Fixed color issues with lyrics display in light themes.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 2.1.0 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Fixed the issue where Inter font was not displayed properly on some devices.
- - Updated light themes: Light Green, Light Purple.
- - Fixed the issue where active buttons were baseline color in active or mixed state.
- - Improved general stability and state validation.
- - Added low-end PC optimization feature.
- - Added new themes (x4): Kimbie Dark, Comfy Red, Light Pink, Light Pink Dimmed.
- - Added better SVG animation color-swapping support.
- - Added changelog button functionality.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 2.0.0 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Fixed the issue where disabling "Now Playing View" didn't work properly or caused other issues.
- - Added general performance improvements.
- - Improved code injection & state validation.
- - Updated Focus Mode layout and features.
- - Improved the "Make Aside Width Static" feature.
- - Fixed the "Make Navbar Bigger" issue occurring on Chromium and some versions of Firefox.
- - Updated light mode themes: Light Green, Light Purple.
- - Updated the performance and visuals of "placeholders."
- - Fixed issues related to the Amoled theme.
- - Fixed the issue where the symbol "•" in pseudo blocks didn't display correctly.
- - Fixed the issue where "Make Navbar Bigger" suddenly stopped working on Firefox.
- - Updated color SVG animation (add to favorites) for themes.
- - Added light themes navigation.
- - Minor visual improvements: Dark Purple, Dark Red, Dark Yellow, etc.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 1.2.7 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Added Belarusian and Arabic i18n support.
- - Improved themes: Dark Purple, Dark Red, Dark Yellow, Light Purple, and Light Green.
- - Fixed the issue with aside "collapse" in Fixed Mode.
- - Added "Contribute" menu option.
- - Fixed window.reload issues caused by a faulty event handler.
- - Improved the "Add Button" animation and color.
- - Fixed the Amoled Theme issue where the old background persisted.
- - Fixed the overflow issue in aside when "List mode" view was selected.
- - Fixed the "Hide header buttons" functionality.
- - Added RTL support.
- - Improved "Focus Mode."
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 1.2.0 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Added i18n support for seven languages.
- - Added new themes: Amoled, Amoled Night.
- - Improved the Dark Purple theme.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 1.1.7 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Improved themes: Dark Purple, Green Light, Kittens.
- - Fixed the Welcome page appearing at every update.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 1.1.5 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Added support for Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
- - Implemented Dark Mode for the extension popup.
- - Added Toggle-All Functional Button.
- - Added six new fonts.
- - Improved the Support page and other sections.
- - Fixed issues with the Light theme, Cyrillic support, re-render bugs, etc.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 1.0.4 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Stability improvements.
- - Enhanced popup visuals.
- - Updated license changes.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 1.0.2 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Stability improvements.
- - Fixed the font issue after toggling "Classic mode."
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 1.0.0 - स्थिर संस्करण
- - Added themes: Light Green, Dark Purple, Kittens.
- - Added fonts: Poppins, Playfair, Noto Sans, and others.
- - Fixed the aside collapsing issue.
- - Fixed the app crash when using "Now Playing View."
- ...और अन्य बदलाव
## Version 0.2 - बीटा संस्करण
- - Added Classic Mode.
- - Fixed the aside width functionality.
- - Enabled image disabling to reduce bandwidth usage.
- ...और अन्य बदलाव